April 18, 2008

Crunch Time

I've entered what I've been told is the "suckiest time in med school." It is the few weeks preceding the Step 1 of the U.S. Medical Licensing Exam. Step 1 encompasses everything we've learned out of books in the first two years of med school. I'm currently taking an Intense Prep course for the exam, run by a private company, Kaplan, who does nothing but prepare students for professional exams. So far, we cover the material of a 4-6 month course in an average of 1-3 days. We are in class 6 days a week. Little did I know that when I "escaped" from the Japanese academic system, it was really jumping from the pot into the fire!

So why am I blogging, you ask? Because my brain is ready to explode. It was a medical emergency, for which the only treatment is mindless entertainment!


Anonymous said...

Old Japanese remedy: Take two aspirin and call me in the morning.

Hang in there, keed.

prez said...

Old Danish remedy: Give boyfriend two kisses, do his dishes, and call him "Mr. Right."