April 8, 2008

The Happiest Place on Earth

I don't know when the last time was that I went to Disneyland. Over ten years ago, I think! It was cool to go back again. Darron had the Monday off for his last day of spring break, and I had another day to relax before real studying for the Boards begins. We got there pretty much at opening time and stayed until the end, like little kids. Space Mountain was my favorite! Since the upgrade, you can no longer see the track in the dark, so that made it especially great. We both felt they over-emphasized Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean, but it was still neat. I didn't like the Finding Nemo submarine ride at all, even though we waited the longest for it, because it was a total movie tie-in, too. There were quite a few people there, probably the last wave of spring break-ers. But we still got to do everything we wanted to, including eating at the Blue Bayou! Mmm, it was sooo good. We even got to return for a second time on some rides!

What a great finale to a fun spring break! Now it's back to work...

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