April 15, 2007


My daisies seem to be the first to want to jump out and see what's going on. They're called "Johnny Jump-Ups" and now I see why. It's amazing how you can have these little things that are for all intents and purposes just bits of pebbles or sand, but when you put them in dirt and add a little sun and water, they get "activated" and become a living thing. Welcome to the world, little guys!


prez said...

Hurray! It must have been my patented watering technique, where I pour water in concentric circles. Yes, that must be it.

FFB4MD said...

There is no other explanation.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. Now you will have something more to distract you from studying-watering, weeding, insects, marauding bunnies. And what is a hanayori dango?

FFB4MD said...

Funny, you are the first to ask. It means "sweets over flowers." I'd rather eat than look at something pretty.

Anonymous said...

I only there were chocolate flowers....best of both worlds.