May 10, 2009

Sad and Happy

We had a sad case today and a happy one.

A 17 year old kid was brought in after hanging himself because he wasn't getting along with his girlfriend and his mom. His mom found him on the floor of his closet, unconscious, because the belt broke. She of course followed the ambulance to the hospital, but he had regained consciousness by that time and was insisting he didn't want to see her. Some mother's day.

In another case, we had a post-operative guy (I'm on the surgery rotation now, on the trauma surgery team) whose pneumonia I found. So now we can treat it early before it turns into something really bad. The team gave me kudos, which was unexpected, as they usually just ignore the med students. I also get to do some things now that is not in the paramedic scope of practice. I got an arterial blood gas out of someone's groin and took out a chest tube, and helped staple a stabbing victim back up.

Paradoxically, I'm feeling better so far on surgery than I was on pediatrics. I say paradoxically, because peds is supposed to be all nice and fluffy and warm, and surgery is supposed to be harsh and unpleasant. The only hard part for me is waking up at the crack of dawn... I will never get used to that!

Well, Happy Mother's Day to my mommy and all the other mommies out there! May your children never bring you pain like the sad case today.


NZ adventure said...

I thought about that poor kid and his mom all day today. Mother's Day is just a Hallmark Holiday, but she will second guess her ability to be a good mom every day from now on.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kabo-chan,

Thanks again for "Happy Mother's Day" to me. I had a "painful" Mother's Day (because I accidentally hit my toe against a pile of books so hard that I had to have it X-rayed at the emergency unit of a nearby hospital), but I can't imagine how painful this mother's experience must have been!!

Your good work saved one patient from his further sufferings. We are so happy to hear about that.
