February 12, 2009

Blissful Ignorance

I like knowing things, as any person might, but there are some things I just would have been okay not knowing.  I'm having many such experiences on OBGYN.  I have had enough vagina to last me a long, long time.  And I have really seen enough infected ones to last me forever.  I also get to be at the hospital by 5:30am to go look at them.  The good news?  I have narrowed my prospective career choice by yet another specialty.


Anonymous said...

What about witnessing the birth of a child - there is nothing more beautiful!

FFB4MD said...

The birth of one's own child, which happens to most people only a couple or few times in their lives, perhaps. But the birth of a crack addict's 9th child, or the child of a 21 year old Type 2 diabetic who wasn't able to control her sugars well enough to prevent overgrowth or congenital defects of her baby, or an infected premie born to a woman so uneducated and learning disabled that she let the baby sit in her infected womb for over a week after her water broke before seeking help... not as much. Even if it's a perfect baby born into the perfect family, the novelty and beauty starts to wear off after the first week of delivering babies all night.