February 5, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

There has been one of those silly chain things going around online lately. I usually don't fall for or participate in them, but since I have not had a post recently and I actually succumbed and wrote something back, here it is for your passing interest:
  1. Though I worry about certain things, I usually delete chain letters without a single thought to the karmic implications.
  2. I love when it rains and I am in bed with nowhere to go.
  3. There was a period when I dreamed about being murdered or committing murder every night or every other night. Now I have nightmares about dirty houses.
  4. I am not always grumpy in the morning.
  5. I am currently a Disneyland annual pass holder. I never thought I would be one of "those people."
  6. I know a Robin, a Hawk, a Jay, and a Bird.
  7. I have always wanted a pet, but the one time I actually got one, I couldn't handle it.
  8. I found a job four days after moving away to college. I worked at a bookstore. It lasted a few months until the creepy old stock guy with cigarette breath started standing too close to me on his breaks.
  9. I eat sausage and hot dogs, but I don't eat pepperoni.
  10. Of the things I used to do for work, I miss driving with lights and sirens the most.
  11. When I was born, my dad was surprised to find I was the ugliest thing he'd ever seen. 
  12. I am addicted to Dear Abby.
  13. I never ditched or got detention in high school.
  14. The longest I've stayed awake at once was 46 hours. At the 43rd hour, I played pickup basketball with the guys after work.
  15. I like frozen yogurt better than ice cream.
  16. My first career aspiration was a novelist. I started writing a novel when I was twelve. I quit because I hated my childish writing but didn't know how to fix it.
  17. I am neither a leader nor a follower. I often wander off on my own.
  18. I have only broken up then subsequently gotten back together with one man. 
  19. Once when I was a new driver, I was so angry at something I actually called someone to pick me up because I didn't think I could drive. 
  20. Excessively bubbly people seem either insincere or a little slow.
  21. When I was a kid I got really good at sneaking peanut butter, which we weren't allowed to eat because it would stick to our teeth too much and give us cavities.
  22. My mother used to let me run around in the snow in only diapers.
  23. I buried a dead mouse on the way home from school once because I felt so sorry for it lying in the sidewalk. When I got home later than expected, my uncle said he was going to write a book called, "101 Excuses by Teenagers."
  24. On the other hand, I used to chop off the heads of ants as a child and watch the headless body run around.
  25. I have occasionally stood in front of the mirror making funny faces at myself and cracking up when home alone.
Anyone else care to share random facts about themselves?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you dreaming about Darrons place?...smile face