January 3, 2009

Tom's Niece

Turns out Tom is not the only one in this family with perfect pitch (aside from our more actively musical family members, undoubtedly).  Darron came up with an electronic tuner, and I hit A right on the money! followed by E, D, and G.  Now I just need to dust off that ol' violin and record a few albums to pay for all those lessons that apparently taught me this vastly useful skill...


Anonymous said...

That will be great, music with dinner.
Darrons Dad

Anonymous said...

You don't think perfect pitch is a useful skill? The more precisely you know the change of pitch the more accurately you can use the doppler effect to calculate the speed of the ambulance going by.


FFB4MD said...

True, but hopefully I will either be IN the ambulance, or it won't be passing up my ER!