August 15, 2008

Times Are A Changin'

I scrambled onto the employee shuttle bus, the last passenger before the door closed, and made my way to the one open seat. As I settled in for the ten minute ride from the parking lot to the hospital, I noticed: every single person on the bus was a woman. From the med students and lab techs with the white coats and the nurses with their conspicuously colorful scrubs to the more loosely business-attired clerks and the bus driver in her uniform, some were carrying lunch bags, some carrying Coach purses; stilettos, tennis shoes, clogs; long hair, grey hair, messy hair, perfectly coiffed hair; lots of mascara, lipstick and rouge, but also some without... it was a feminist's dream.  

I wanted to snap a black-and-white with the morning sun streaming through the windshield and the faces at the rear of the bus in shadows, and title it something ordinary like "Off to Work," but display it alongside old 50's typical male work scene photos, you know, the kind where all the men have the thick-rimmed glasses and crew cuts and suits.  The best part? An entire shuttle bus of workers on their way to run a major medical center in a densely populated metropolitan area happened to be female, and no one but me seemed to notice.


Mark said...

How many were naked?

Anonymous said...

The times, they are a-changin'

TGTadventureNZ said...

How do you know they did not notice?

And more interestingly, why were there no men? Is this a common thing on that bus? Do they not ride the bus at any time? Is there a disproportionate number of women who work at the medical center? Was there a sign on the bus "women only"? Are you so blinded by some perverse psychological phenomena that you can't SEE the men that are there?

FFB4MD said...

They were ALL naked. They only had hair, shoes, and bags. The clothes were all hanging on the rack.

I said that it "seemed" no one else noticed, because no one else was looking around or saying anything to their seatmates as I did. I don't know why there were no men. All women isn't a normal occurrence. All the other times, there have been men. From casual observation, there seem to be roughly equal numbers of men and women at the med center. Although, one could surmise that there were no men on the employee shuttle that came from the parking lot in BFE because they are mostly esteemed doctors and heads-of-departments who get to park close so they don't HAVE to ride the shuttle. There was no sign on the bus that said "women only." And I am not so blinded that I wouldn't notice men that might be on the bus if I were looking for one. Unless he was dressed like a girl, then I might have overlooked him.

prez said...

She only has eyes for me...

TGTadventureNZ said...

Ao maybe Darron WAS there, dressed like a girl? How very peculiar.