July 11, 2008

Playing Doctor Can Lead to Uncomfortable Social Situations

I was walking out of Starbucks today when I caught the eye of a guy studying at a table.  I had a flash of recognition, he had a flash of recognition, I briefly hesitated in my step, and my hand was dangling in the air in the start of a wave, when it suddenly hit me why I recognized this man.  I had just been party to examining his testicles last week!  The wave already launched, the hesitant step already cut short, my body already half-turned toward his table, my brain screamed, "Abort!!  Abort!!" but it was too late.  Crap crap crap, I cursed myself and my recognition-betraying reflexes, but it was too late.  I forged on.  He had put down his pen and was standing up to greet me.  In as quizzical a voice as I could muster, I furrowed my brows and said:

"Don't I know you from somewhere...?"  He laughed and said, "You don't want to know...  when I met you I was naked."  The other patrons sitting at the nearby tables were getting quite an earful.  He could have just said he met me at the clinic, or he was a patient, but nooo.  At least he had a sense of humor.  We were about the same age, so that made it all the more awkward.   I felt a lot like those people in the Southwest Airlines commercials: "Wanna get away?"  As I left, I remarked, "Well, it was nice to meet you fully clothed this time!"

Such is the peril of practicing medicine close to one's home, apparently.  I wish they had put THAT into the "Clerkship Survival Guide" Chapter 13:  How to Engage in Social Situations with People Whose Testicles You've Examined.  I could have used a bit of guidance today.


Mark said...

In a weird coincidence...this is EXACTLY how I met Darron.

Hey, D, I never mentioned this before...nice hog, man!

Anonymous said...

Just finished watching "Hopkins" on television and thought about you the whole time. I have so much admiration for people who choose to enter the medical profession. Loved your latest blog - I thought it was hilarious!

jose luis said...

The most surprising part is YOU walking out of a Starfucks... I'm sure you have seen worse in Oakland, though. The nude fat guy calling your station all the time must rank high in the professional awkward moments.