June 4, 2008

Thoughts on DC

  • The White House was a lot less impressive than I thought it would be.  Granted, I know there is a LOT more than meets the eye, but all I saw were two bored-looking cops keeping an eye on two bored-looking protester types with a few bored-looking tourists idly snapping pictures.  I wouldn't have minded seeing a bunch of nattily dressed Marines doing tricks with their rifles.  I mean, come on!  I think I should get something for all those federal taxes I pay.  Is a little entertainment when I visit the capitol too much to ask???
  • Allergens in NY/DC are pretty bad.
  • When the vice chair of the department you want to eventually succeed in tells you that partying with them is going to have a much bigger impact on your career than any presentation you could make the following day, you do as he says.
  • The best way to reduce performance anxiety when presenting research is to party way into the wee hours the night before so you are too exhausted to be nervous.
  • I got a lecture on Eritrea from a taxi driver at 3am, who declined payment because I seemed so interested in his country.  
  • I really should travel to Africa someday.
  • The Metro in DC is pretty nice.  Not as expansive as NY's Subway, but more similar to BART, except they have plastic seats.  I like the design of the stations.
  • Sometimes you can get really good hotel deals by staying on top of "travel deal" e-newsletters.  I got a fantastic hotel for a fantastic deal, which was my treat to myself for giving this presentation.
  • I felt a little ill on the day I was going to spend at the Smithsonian Museums, but after a couple of hours there I was so engrossed that I could have spent many more days there.  And that was just one museum!


TGTadventureNZ said...

Africa is indeed a good idea.
Which museum?

FFB4MD said...

The Air & Space Museum. More like just "Air" though, because after the IMAX movie I didn't have enough time to see the "Space" part!