March 20, 2008

Positively Black

My friend Nancy sometimes gives me blogging inspiration, as you see in a recent post. Here's the latest, thanks to her blog. I actually wrote this over a week ago and saved it in my draft collection for release during my own inner Writer's Strikes.  But now that Barack Obama has made his speech on race, it's serendipitously relevant to current politics!

Sometimes people say "dark" or "black" are associated with negative things. Here are some positives:
  • What is oil known as?  Black gold. 
  • The universal desirable male type?  Tall, dark and handsome. 
  • Quality chocolate?  Dark.
  • Time when people spontaneously get lovey-dovey?  Blackout. 
  • Necessary item in every tasteful woman's wardrobe?  Little black dress.
  • Most well-loved children's horse book?   Black Beauty. 
  • Attire associated with power or achievement?  Dark suits, black gowns (graduation, judges).
  • Symbol of highest achievement in martial arts?  Black belt.
  • Color you want your finances to be in?   The black.
May the racial healing begin.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Wow! That is so powerful. I have never thought about any of those 'black things' in such a deep, powerful way before. Thank you for bringing black back.