December 1, 2006

My Feelings Exactly

At the UC Irvine School of Medicine, we often send each other study guides in the spirit of cooperation. I received one such study guide today, courtesy of one of my classmates, Shaun Chung. (Note: it's not plagiarism if it's cited.)

Hey Mitochondronauts!!!
I know there are a lot of people right now throwing there hands up in the air in frustration concerning Wallace's material. Seeing that there is just way too much convuluted mitochondrial minutiae, Greg and I sat down today and made a pretty comprehensive yet concise Wallace review sheet. Hope it helps. If there is any confusion or if you disagree on anything please let us know. Thanks.

Enjoy your weekend,
Shaun and Greg

1 comment:

prez said...

Don't forget to read The Wind in the Door by Madeline L'Engle!