July 30, 2006

Last Day

After numerous requests from my mother to record my adventures as a firefighter, finally, just before my last day with the Oakland Fire Department, I decided to begin a blog.

Last night, the guys stuck a wooden snake in my bed. This morning they woke me up with deafening music, dancing around my bed and yelling at the top of their lungs, "Wake up, Pam! Let's party!!!!" They know full well I'm not a morning person. Lamont definitely deserved some revenge, though. Yesterday I was cleaning out my locker and brought all my papers and books to the living room to sort out what to contribute to the firehouse library and what to throw out. L. got all sappy about how my departure was really happening, how throwing out my stuff was making it reality, that they were going to miss me, etc. I picked up a stack of about 30 pages stapled together, and he innocently asked me what it was. I tossed it over to where he was sitting, and inadvertently hit him in the nuts. After about a 30-second pause, he fell out of the chair in pain. Ironically, I had tossed him the sexual harrassment manual.

Tomorrow is my last day. I'm afraid to go to work, considering the mayhem that broke out yesterday. But if I call in sick, I live in the same city so they would probably just come bother me at home anyway. So I may as well take my lumps and go in.